quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2012

The Paleo Diary - Day 3

Breakfast: 2 broiled eggs with a side of strawberries, pineapples and raspberries, coffee with almond milk

Lunch: Unsalted almonds

Dinner: Ground Beef Tacos: Grass-fed ground beef, sauteed onions and garlic, organic tomato sauce, black peppers, in a butter lettuce, with a side of baby organic carrots and topped with pico de galo

Night Snack: Apple

* Went to Crossfit

My dinner tonight was my left overs from day 1 and 2. Ground beef tacos may sound weird but they are delicious! I still have some ground beef so I will definitely have this meal again this week!
Tomorrow I may try a Paleo Muffins recipe!! I really hope it works because I miss my sweet something in the morning! lol

Ground Beef Tacos

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